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Ethics for dementia case study

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I am currently working on an assignment for university and it is on the nursing and medical ethics of a patient with dementia.

The pretend situation is that "Frank" is 81 and was recently admitted to hospital with urine infection that lead to him becoming confused, agitated and was showing all the signs of dementia. However hsi infection is now better, however he is showing signs of dementia and has muscle weakness from laying in bed for 3 weeks and not moving.
The hospital wish to discharge him to a nursing home, however his son Carl wants him at home with his wife who also has dementia. His son can look after him despite living 30 miles away with his wife and will stay in his propetty. However his wife is concerned over finances (him stopping work) and not being able to see her husband.

I have looked into theory of the situation and have the information in front of me on my portal however I can't seem to link the theory to the situation. i have emailed tutor and i am awaiting her phone call tomorrow.
can anyone help me out.





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